地方独立行政法人大阪産業技術研究所 - 当法人は、(地独)大阪府立産業技術総合研究所と(地独)大阪市立工業研究所が統合し、平成29年4月1日にスタートしました。研究開発から製造まで、企業の開発ステージに応じた支援を一気通貫で提供し、大阪産業の更なる飛躍に向け、大阪発のイノベーションを創出します。



Organic Materials


Research Division of Organic Materials

We are focusing on the creation and production of fine chemicals such as pharmaceuticals and gelling agents, as well as the development of materials for solar cells, and functional plastics.


Surfactants as Thickening and Gelling Agents (Surfactant Lab.)

New surfactants were developed as low molecular weight gelators/ thickeners of organic solvents and water. Besides, the relation was studied between molecular structures and properties of these surfactants.


Development of Biomass Thermosetting Resin (Thermosetting Resin Lab.)

Biomass thermosetting plastics in which lignin as a natural resource and thermosetting resin are compounded were developed.